Call for Papers
WSAC '99
Workshop on Software Architecture and Components
(Held in conjunction with APSEC '99)

December 7, 1999
Takamatsu, Japan


The objective of WSAC '99 is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and governments to advance the theories and technologies in component-based software Development (CBSD). The workshop will address the following principal themes, but any topics relevant to CBSD will also be considered;
- Domain Analysis and Modeling - Domain-Specific Software Architectures - Architecture Definition Languages
- Interface Definition Language - Architecture Visualization and Documentation - Architecture-Based Component Assembly
- Architecture Analysis - Legacy Wrapping - Design Patterns
- Frameworks - Component Classification - Component Adaptation
- Component Customization - Component Testing - Component-Related Metrics
- Component Certification - Component Distribution and Repository - Component Wrapping
- Component Pricing and Licensing Policies - Component-Based Development Process - Case studies and Empirical studies.

Information for Authors

WSAC '99 Committee solicits original full papers and position papers. All contributions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical quality, presentation quality, and relevance to CBSD. Full papers must be no longer than 5000 words. Position papers can be 3-5 pages long. Experience papers or practical papers are also welcomed.

All papers must include a separate cover sheet which provides the following information: the title, authors' names, affiliation, postal and electronic mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, a 200 words abstract and a list of keywords. Submitted papers must be written in English and identify what is new and significant about the presented work. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceeding.

Please submit your paper electronically in HTML, PDF or MS Word format by Oct. 15, 1999 to:

Soo Dong Kim
Dept. of Computer Science, Soongsil University
1-1 Sangdo-dong, Dongkak-ku, Seoul, Korea 156-743
Tel: +82 2 820-0909, Fax: +82 2 826-0909

Organization/Program Committee

Jun Han (Monash Univ., Australia, and University College London, U. K.)
Soo Dong Kim (Soongsil Unive., Korea)
Tomoji Kishi (NEC, Japan)
Committee Members
Mikio Aoyama (NIIT, Japan) Doo-Hwan Bae (KAIST, Korea) Takeshi Chusho (Meiji Univ., Japan, and Imperial College, U. K.)
Yoshiaki Fukazawa (Waseda Univ., Japan) Oh-Cheon Kwon (ETRI, Korea) Young-Bae Oh (ETRI, Korea)
Sanya Uehara (Fujitsu Labs., Japan) Dr. Rudi Vernik (DSTO, Australia) Ren-Dar Yang (III, Taiwan)

Important dates

Submission Deadline: Oct. 15, 1999
Acceptance Notification: Oct. 30, 1999
Camera-ready Copy Due: Nov. 15, 1999.

General Inquiries

General Inquiries about WSAC '99 may be directed to:
Tomoji Kishi
NEC Corporation, Japan
Tel: +81 3 5476 1089, Fax: +81 3 5476 1113